Waxing moon
The day we left
Sickle shape curve
Was drawn up.
In Ghermu.
Then climb up to Chipla
To experience local.
To understand the simplicity
Of the way they live.
Via Tal to Timang
We settle to see Manaslu
Then to Pisang
To smile with Annapurna.
Uphill to Ghyaru and Nagwal.
Employing our feet.
Where nice
Korean couple we meet.
Nicely we talk.
Compass was adding
More lines of the curve.
Geography was changing.
Fluttering flags
Were singing.
By the old Gompa
We arrive in Braka.
Artitecture and the statues
Were worth appreciating.
Then to the frozen lake
We climb.
A couple of Rudyshelduck
Were floating on the
Unfrozen corner of the lake.
In such freezing and
Harsh weather
Of the high mountain.
Looks embelished
Golden bird on the
Blue waters.
Blue surface where
Semi circular curve formed
And strewn coruscate
Luminous beams Land.
We were still drawing.
Struggling to complete
the circle our legs were:
The drawing compass
And a whole Geometry
We walk to make
A circle.
Higher and higher we went
And finally Struggle:
In a cold morning to the pass,
Unlike previous days,
Bit cloudier.
Though we made it
Over 5416.
Climax of the Trip
Slowly heading
To the equilibrium.
While perambulating
The moon we see
From the beginning till the end.
Each day our journey was:
Waxing to the moon.
In two weeks
The moon we found
In the sky was full.
And our journey
Complete visiting
Muktinath( god of salvation).
And I hope Davy!
You must be enlightened:
From the dark fortnight
To the luminous
Full moon.