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Ogyencholing Manor || Ugyencholing Palace

Ogyencholing or Ugyencholing was the center of Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405), a Buddhist Dzogchen master who established his center here. His descendants bore the responsibility of upholding religious traditions while also serving as local lords. Spanning more than 650 years, Ogyencholing served various purposes, starting as a gompa (monastery), then transforming into a dzong (an administrative fortress housing a local lord and family), and eventually becoming a nagtshang (manor house) for centuries.
In 2001, the central tower known as Utse was converted into a museum, cataloging the history of the manor and feudal Bhutan. The museum's collection consists almost exclusively of items from the ancestral home, including agricultural tools, objects used in religious rituals, arms and armor, textiles, masks, and manuscripts. It boasts one of the most complete collections of Bhutanese manor life artifacts from the last few centuries.
Ogyencholing Manor offers approximately 12 well-furnished guest rooms and a restaurant to support the maintenance costs of the manor.